Our firm was founded in 1969, making decisions not with a vision of accomplishing short-term profit maximization but with a view towards long-term development and sustainability. We have provided cross-border consulting since the very beginning of our professional path which has contributed to our sensibility and respect for the cultural differences and backgrounds of the experts who have gradually joined our original firm.


We operate according to family values: mutual respect, appreciation and support, transparency and open communication, contributing with a genuine interest to the professional growth of each member of the firm. We believe that it is paramount to nurture interpersonal relationships to bring value to the firm’s standing as a whole and its preservation over the personal interests of the individuals, be they employees, associates or partners.


We share a pro-active and optimistic attitude aimed at fostering the development of each individual and of the firm, favoring on the one hand the training and specialization of individuals and on the other hand also the evolution of the firm through new activities, the integration of other professional entities or the opening of new offices. We maintain an open attitude so that regulatory or market changes are seen as an opportunity and not a threat.


We have an innate curiosity and interest in anything that allows us to provide better, more comprehensive, and more efficient services that would give added value to our customers or our employees and collaborators. We constantly think about the future and the possible impacts of local and global events on our activities, those of our clients and the market in general, as well as on the work of our employees and collaborators.


Fairness and reliability characterize our actions. We conduct ourselves fairly and seriously as employers with regard to our employees, as trusted advisors in relation to our clients, and as colleagues vis-à-vis other professionals. We ensure that our actions reflect high ethical standards and are not influenced by external interference or conflicts of interest.


We comprehensively analyze our clients' problems, but at the same time we deal with them pragmatically, trying to provide effective and concrete solutions within a reasonable timeframe. We adopt the same approach concerning the relationships within the firm and the challenges that inevitably must be faced pragmatically, by choosing solutions that simplify the working life of employees, collaborators, and partners, i.e. without excessive bureaucracy or unnecessary formalism.


Our decision-making processes are characterized by a spirit of sharing, so that everyone can be considered a contributor and active participant in the decisions. We envisage a culture of open and fair discussion, whereby the interests of the firm prevail over those of the single individual.


We are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and social and cultural values in general. We make no distinction between age, gender, religion, or ethnicity and we create an environment of equal opportunities for all based on merit. We are constantly striving to reduce our environmental impact with actions that are aimed to limit our carbon footprint. We support and promote social and cultural activities that make a positive contribution to the community to which we belong.